At a meeting organised by Cllr Louvain Roberts and Nia Griffith MP, the County Council’s Head of Housing and Public Protection outlined to residents what exactly would be involved in drawing up a sensitive letting policy for council property. He explained that the County Council would have to take a number of factors into consideration and promised that he would see what could be done.
He also explained the new requirements on private landlords that the Welsh Assembly is currently debating, and which are expected to come into force next spring, requiring all landlords to register with the local authority.
The police also responded to residents’ enquiries about how they could get an extension into their area of the Designated Public Places Orders (DPPOs) like the one in force on Station Road which strengthens police powers can to deal with unruly drinkers. The police stressed the need for residents to show that there was a need for such orders and reminded residents of the importance of reporting problems so that they are logged and the police can take action.