Are you having problems paying off arrears with a gas or electricity bill?
The British Gas Energy Trust has now reopened its Individuals and Families Fund and may be able to help.
You do not need to be a British Gas customer to apply – you can be a British Gas Customer, or a customer from another supplier with arrears of up to £1,500.
Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, Ovo, Octopus and Utilita (Credit Customers only) also have their own funds to support their customers, so if you are a customer of one of these companies you should apply to them first.
To be considered for a grant you must meet the following criteria.
- You have not received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust within the last 2 years
- You must be seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current or open gas, electricity or dual fuel energy account in your name or be a member of that household, the energy account must relate to your main residence.
- You have electric and/or gas debt
- You must be in or facing Fuel Poverty
- You have received help from a money advice agency.
Further info can be found here: Independent fuel debt advice – British Gas Energy Trust