Home > News > Llanelli Star Column – What a year it’s been…..

As Christmas approaches, it is important that we take some time to reflect on what has been a remarkable year so far.

Three Prime Ministers, 4 Chancellors, the UK economy crashed by a Government in permanent disarray and a cost of living crisis with inflation at a 40 year high has meant that 2022 will be remembered in politics for a long time to come.  War in Ukraine, unrest across public services and a feeling that we now have a Conservative UK Government out of energy and ideas has left many people feeling battered and bruised over the last twelve months.

Despite this, however, I am proud of how local communities have refused to give up in the face of such adversity.

While life for many remains a daily challenge, the next few weeks will hopefully provide an opportunity over the festive season to come together, enjoy the company of others and look forwards rather than back.

I have been privileged in recent weeks to have been able to visit several schools and community groups to support their Christmas celebrations.  It has been truly heartwarming to see community spirit still alive and well across Llanelli.  From church services to charity events, art competitions to Christmas light switch ons, there is much to be said about how people still like to share the joy and positivity that this time of year brings.

As always, I am keen to help people in my Llanelli constituency and to meet as many businesses, local organisations and community groups as I possibly can.  If you have any issues that you think I can assist with then please get in touch either by email on nia.griffith.mp@parliament.uk or by calling my office on 01554 756374.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!