It was a real privilege to participate with staff and relatives at Ty Mair care home in a very moving commemorative service, to remember those resdients at Ty Mair who have sadly passed away since the start of the pandemic, and see the official opening by Dr Haden of the memorial garden with its plaque listing the names of the deceased. This was a very emotional experience for all of us but particularly, of course, for the relatives.
We are all extremely grateful to Rachel Jones the manager and all the staff at Ty Mair and many other care facilities and hospital wards across the country, who went way above and beyond to provide that extra love and affection to residents, trying to make up for relatives not being allowed to visit. It makes us realise just how valuable carers are, and, that we should give them greater recognition. As a step in that direction, theWelsh Labour Government is absolutely committed to ensuring that carers get the living wage by the end of this Senedd term.
Many thanks to Father Jim and the Llanelli Veterans Association for a very fitting service.