Nia Griffith MP is calling for more information about the County Council’s plans for Parc Howard and a chance for the public to have their say. The MP explained:
“I would like to thank the Leader of the Council for his reply to my request for a public meeting about the future of Parc Howard and his commitment to hold such a meeting when the council’s application for a car-park has been lodged with the planning department. But I have to tell him that I agree with the many local residents who feel that there should be proper PRE-planning consultation: we have been told that some 20 potential sites for a car-park were identified, and, even if some of those had to be dismissed as non-starters, residents should have an opportunity to discuss the controversial issue of whether or not to have a car-park, and a chance to comment on what might be the pros and cons of using different entrances and different car-park locations.”
Rob James who lives in Sunny Hill and is standing as a council candidate for Labour in the forth-coming elections added,
“Residents are still talking about the shock of waking to the sound of bull-dozers, and finding out that this was to be a new senior play area for which the council had not sought planning permission, nor even publicised plans. Plaid made great play of transparency when they were in opposition, and now that they are leading the council, that’s all that we are asking for – let people see what’s planned and have a genuine chance to share in the decision-making. There’s been further alarm with the call for expressions of interest in the mansion house, with residents wondering what the impact on the park will be. If Cllr Emlyn Dole feels that it is now too close to the elections to hold a public meeting, could we at least have some display boards with possible options, and a chance for the public to comment? Whether it is about a car-park, the siting of a play area or uses of the mansion, local residents should have a say in these decisions.”