Welsh Labour is ambitious for Wales, because we believe that our nation has a great future. So while the Tories promise yet more cuts from Westminster, Welsh Labour will stand up and deliver for communities across Wales. Now, more than ever, we need a strong Government in Wales, to stand up for our steel industry, to fight for good jobs and to continue to improve our health and education services. By voting for Labour in the Welsh Assembly elections on May the 5th, we can build a better, fairer, more prosperous Wales together.
Our manifesto is called Together for Wales and our proposals include:
– the creation of 100,000 high quality apprenticeships for people of any age
– a cut in business rates for all small businesses
– a new £80m treatment fund for those in need of life saving care
– help for working parents with 30 hours of free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds
– a doubling of the capital limit for people going into residential care
– investment of £100m in Welsh schools over the next Assembly term
Link to manifesto website:
More on our plan for a:
Prosperous & Secure Wales: http://www.togetherfor.wales/prosperous_secure
Healthy & Active Wales: http://www.togetherfor.wales/healthy_active
Ambitious & Learning Wales: http://www.togetherfor.wales/ambitious_learning
United & Connected Wales: http://www.togetherfor.wales/united_connected