In response to concerns from local residents, Nia Griffith MP convened a meeting at the Trimsaran Rugby Club to discuss the future of the changing rooms and the former Miners’ Welfare Hall. At the meeting, the secretary of Trimsaran Rugby Club read out a very welcome statement, saying that the County Council had agreed to transfer responsibility for the changing rooms over to the rugby club, and that the Council had agreed that they would give a grant towards repairing the changing rooms. Once the lease is agreed and the club is responsible for the changing rooms, it intends to do the necessary repairs over the summer break. When it came to the Miners’ Welfare Hall, there was considerable anxiety about a community group having sufficient wherewithal to handle the finance and upkeep of the hall. Disappointment was also expressed by members of the Kidwelly Park Sports Association that the County Council had not come up with funds that had been promised, leaving members out of pocket. There was also a unanimous feeling that rather than splashing out on new projects, the Council should, first and foremost, prioritise the upkeep of the assets they already own.
Nia Griffith MP commented
“I am pleased to hear that the rugby club is making progress in discussing taking over the changing rooms from the County Council, but it is vital that they are fully repaired and the paperwork completed ready for the autumn. Unfortunately the experience of some other groups in trying to get clarity from the County Council about asset transfer and appropriate starter funds for the groups taking over the assets has not been very encouraging. The County should be prioritising funds to ensure that existing assets are kept in good condition, and there is starter money for those taking on responsibility, rather than spending money on extravagant new projects.”