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Genwen 1Nia Griffith MP is adding her voice to those of Bynea residents who are protesting about proposed plans to build 240 houses on the Genwen Farm site, between Penderri Road and Nantwen.

Speaking about planning application number S/33342, Nia Griffith said,

“It is extraordinary that having cited traffic dangers as a reason to turn down an application for 41 houses in Station Road, Bynea, that planners should even consider this application for 240 houses which will generate far more traffic. Residents will tell you that there have been many accidents and can show you the walls that have been knocked down. The Planning Committee also need to look at the knock on effect of this development on existing properties in Bynea. Householders here have already repeatedly suffered the horror of surface water and sewerage flooding.  If they build a huge 240 house estate on the Genwen fields, it will massively  increase surface water run-off from the roofs, roads and driveways which will race down the steep slopes to the properties below.  The sewerage system is already overloaded and this will make matters considerably worse. I sincerely hope that the Planning Committee will see sense and will throw it out again.”