Speaking to Heulwen and Ray from 21st Century Church, who arrived at her office laden with filled shoeboxes, Nia Griffith MP said,
“I’d like to say a really big thank you to everyone who has taken the time and the trouble to contribute to the shoebox appeal to send essential toiletries out to refugees, as well as to the many people both locally and across the country who have contributed generously to the refugee appeals made by the established aid agencies. I’d also like to thank those of all faiths and none, who led or participated in the vigil for refugees that we held here in Llanelli last week: it was important for us to send out a clear message that we want the UK to live up to its reputation for humanitarian support and offer a welcome to refugees who have been bombed out of their homes. Most of us can’t even imagine what it must be like to have to flee our homes, give up our jobs and take our families to start anew hundreds of miles away. We recognise that sustained and co-ordinated effort will be needed to ensure that the appropriate support is made available for the refugees, and we are pledging to do our part to make that happen.”