Speaking up in Parliament on the Government’s plans to make the BBC fund free TV licences for the over 75s, Nia Griffith MP asked about the outlook for S4C
“Companies such as Tinopolis in my constituency are part of a very important Welsh-language broadcasting industry. Worryingly, the Secretary of State has told us that he would anticipate the BBC cutting its contribution to S4C funding. What guarantee can he give about direct Government funding to S4C and does he anticipate cuts to an industry that has already suffered enormous cuts and has a long lead-in time for good-quality programmes?”
Nia explained,
“Whether you think that the free licences for over-75 year olds should be kept as they are or mean-tested or done away with, the Tories have been plain dishonest. They promised in their manifesto to keep free licences and now they are making the BBC pay for them, which of course will mean the BBC having to implement cuts elsewhere. I am extremely concerned that the so-called Culture Secretary not only anticipates the BBC cutting their funding to S4C, but he will not give any commitment beyond the next two years on the funding that S4C receives directly from government. This is particularly worrying at a time when S4C is planning ambitious expansion in Carmarthen. Welsh TV output provides tremendous support, giving many people the opportunity to hear Welsh in a whole range of contexts which they do not necessarily encounter in their everyday lives, and giving valuable help to children and non Welsh – speaking parents who send their children to Welsh medium schools”