Nia meets volunteer puppy walkers Philippa and Sue with their puppies in training Naomi and Bianca respectively.
Nia Griffith MP was given a star on Guide Dogs’ pavement parking Walk of Fame for supporting the charity’s campaign to stop cars parking on pavements.
The MP for Llanelli attended Guide Dogs’ event at the Houses of Parliament earlier this month, at which the charity explained to MPs that it wants people living with sight loss to feel confident and independent when they are out and about, and believes that vehicles parked on pavements put people living with sight loss in danger.
The event, hosted by Lord Holmes of Richmond, highlighted the problems faced daily by guide dog owners who are being forced to walk into the road to avoid cars blocking their path. MPs heard from one guide dog owner who had even considered giving up his guide dog because of the constant obstructions he faced when out and about.
Pavement parking is already an offence in London, but the rules in the rest of the country are complex and patchy, leaving drivers uncertain of where they can and cannot park. Guide Dogs is calling for the introduction of comprehensive laws across the UK, which will outlaw pavement parking, but allow local councils to grant an exemption in areas where pavement parking is unavoidable.
Nia Griffith MP said
“What we need above all is clarity for pedestrians and drivers alike. Drivers need to be made more aware of the consequences of inconsiderate parking on pavements, particularly for those who cannot see, and where considerate pavement parking is the only sensible option, for example to allow access for emergency vehicles, everyone needs to know this, and drivers should leave space for pedestrians to pass safely on the inside.”
James White, Campaigns Manager for Guide Dogs, said:”Cars parked on pavements blight the lives of people living with sight loss and other vulnerable road users including wheelchair users and parents with buggies or prams.
“Imagine how frightening it must be to step out into a busy road when you can’t see on-coming traffic, or you have your young child with you. We want to stop people from being forced into the road and we call on all parties to support a new law on pavement parking.”