Home > News > STOP PRESS: Urgent talks for sports clubs

Stop press:  Message from Nia Griffith MP, “I have held urgent talks with Cllr Deryk Cundy, Chair of the Regeneration and Leisure Scrutiny Committee, and shown him the stark figures of the planned sports’ fee hikes. As a result, Deryk will propose to his committee that they use their powers to investigate the matter. I hope the other members of the committee will give him their full backing.”


Nia Griffith MP has slammed the council’s proposed hikes in playing field fees, saying

“These proposals to hike pitch fees look like they have just been generated and spat out of a computer, without any consideration given to what the figures actually are and what they will mean in reality for sports clubs, with their fantastic army of volunteer coaches, refs and organisers who enable so many people, young and old to participate in sport across the county. The clubs fully understand that the council has to look at costs, but, how is it that there has been so little consultation, with some clubs not in any sort of dialogue with the County’s leisure department, and then suddenly being given only a couple of months’ notice of 50% fee rises starting on 1st April? I am calling on council members to undertake proper consultation with all of the clubs involved. We need everyone’s ideas and suggestions, and need to look at all aspects of the issue, from reducing costs to working in partnership with other organisations and councils to ensure that sporting opportunities do not become the preserve of the rich.”