Cllr Steve Lloyd-Janes, Keith Davies AM and Nia are trying to find a solution to the problems encountered by the residents of Talycoed, just opposite the motorway junction in Hendy.
In spite of lobbying, County Council officers have been reluctant in the past to consider the painting of a yellow keep clear box at the junction, because the Welsh Assembly’s Trunk Road Agency had judged the proposal as not ideal.
“We highlighted this problem to the agencies concerned some time ago and it is disappointing that the problem has still not been resolved. In my opinion, doing nothing is not an option as drivers coming out of Talycoed have to dart between traffic as it is drawing up to the traffic lights and filter into the motorway slip road. That’s why we have held another site meeting with the County Council, and have now asked for representatives of the Trunk Road Agency to meet us on site as soon as possible.“