Nia Griffith MP has welcomed plans for the relocation of a doctor’s surgery to the town centre Boots store. At a recent visit to the store, the MP saw plans for converting the Stepney St side of the ground floor into a state of the art two doctor surgery which will accommodate Dr Devichand who will move across from his current premises in Andrew St.
Commenting on the plans Nia Griffith MP said
“This fits in with Labour’s commitment to make doctors’ surgeries more accessible to people. The Labour Welsh Government is pushing forward with plans to extend evening and Saturday opening. The Boots store here is committed to staying open until the end of surgery so that patients will be able to collect their prescriptions immediately.
The plans look very appealing, with the surgery on the ground floor, right at the front of the store. This will be convenient for patients who will be able to combine a visit to the doctor’s with an opportunity to pop to the shops, and it will increase footfall in the town centre which should help local traders. The more we can bring in people to the town centre, whether they are coming in for courses at the Ffwrnes arts hub, going to the cinema or collecting a prescription from the surgery, the better the outlook for local shops.”