Nia Griffith MP for Llanelli celebrated World School Milk Day by swapping her parliamentary duties for those of honorary milk monitor at Stebonheath Primary School.
Stebonheath School is one of thousands of schools across more than 40 countries taking part in celebrations dedicated to World School Milk Day. The day encourages children to drink milk and aims to educate them about the benefits of milk.
In Wales, school milk is free for infant children. Milk is vital for building healthy bones and teeth and improves a child’s concentration, memory and creativity.
Nia commented
“I was horrified to hear suggestions from the Tory Health Minister in Westminster about abolishing the scheme by April 2011. The Prime Minister was quick to deny it – no doubt, he, like many of us, was remembering how people like our local farmers and councillors stood up against Margaret Thatcher, and dubbed her ‘Thatcher the milk snatcher’ when she wanted to abolish free school milk. I know that the Labour-run Welsh Government wants to continue free school milk, and I hope the Tory government in Westminster see sense and drop any secret plans to cut it. It is vital for children’s health”