While parliament is in recess in August, it is a great opportunity for me to spend more time in the constituency and have the privilege of working alongside a whole range of local residents who care about and bring to life the communities that make up Llanelli and the surrounding areas – whether this is a residents’ action group trying to improve their surroundings and facilities, or organisations like the Hannah Meredith Foundation, set up to help the families of drug users across the area or those who work to preserve and share our cultural heritage.
Next week we shall be commemorating the tragic deaths of two men shot during the 1911 railway strike – the committee has worked hard to organise a week-long series of events to tell the story of what happened before, during and after the 1911 railway strike, and a I very much hope that you will be able join us on some of these occasions. They begin on Friday 12th with the performance by Coleg Sir Gar at 6 pm at the Town Hall, and culminate on Saturday 20th August with the commemorative march assembling at noon at Llanelli Railway Station and the performance that evening at 7.30 in Hall St Methodist Church of a concert version of Remembrance of a Riot. Some of us were privileged to hear a preview of this music performed in Parc Howard a fortnight ago during Love Parks Week – songs composed specifically to tell the 1911 story, and it really was very impressive indeed. Hope to see you during the week.